Kohl’s Honored as One of the 2021 World’s Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere

Recognition honors those companies who understand the importance of leading, making hard but values-based decisions, and their overall commitment to integrity

MENOMONEE FALLS, Wis., February 23, 2021Kohl’s (NYSE: KSS) has been recognized by Ethisphere, a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices, as one of the 2021 World’s Most Ethical Companies. The World's Most Ethical Companies is an annual assessment conducted by the Ethisphere Institute that evaluates five key categories of a company, including its ethics and compliance program, ethical culture, environmental and social impact, corporate governance, and leadership and reputation. Recognized companies are honored for setting the global standards of business integrity and corporate citizenship. 

In its third year of recognition, Kohl’s is one of only three honorees in the retail industry. In 2021, 135 honorees were recognized, spanning 22 countries and 47 industries. 

“Kohl’s is honored to be recognized for the third consecutive year as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies, which is supported by our values-based culture and the way our associates strive to act with honor and integrity each day,” said Steve Thomas, Kohl’s chief risk and compliance officer. “This recognition demonstrates Kohl’s strategic integration of ethics and governance throughout our organization and our ongoing commitment to environmental, social and corporate governance stewardship.”

“While addressing the tough challenges of 2020, we saw companies like Kohl’s lead – above all other institutions – on earning the trust of stakeholders through resilience and a commitment to ethics and integrity,” said Timothy Erblich, Ethisphere’s chief executive officer. “We commend Kohl’s and the rest of this year’s honorees for their commitment to the highest values and positively impacting the communities they serve.” 

To learn more about Kohl’s corporate responsibility initiatives and Code of Ethics, or to access Kohl’s 2019 CSR Report, visit http://corporate.kohls.com.

About Kohl’s 
Kohl’s (NYSE: KSS) is a leading omnichannel retailer. With more than 1,100 stores in 49 states and the online convenience of Kohls.com and the Kohl's App, Kohl's offers amazing national and exclusive brands at incredible savings for families nationwide. Kohl’s is uniquely positioned to deliver against its strategy and its vision to be the most trusted retailer of choice for the active and casual lifestyle. Kohl’s is committed to progress in its diversity and inclusion pledges, and the company's environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) stewardship. For a list of store locations or to shop online, visit Kohls.com. For more information about Kohl’s impact in the community or how to join our winning team, visit Corporate.Kohls.com or follow @KohlsNews on Twitter.

About the Ethisphere Institute
The Ethisphere® Institute is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that fuel corporate character, marketplace trust and business success. Ethisphere has deep expertise in measuring and defining core ethics standards using data-driven insights that help companies enhance corporate character and measure and improve culture. Ethisphere honors superior achievement through its World’s Most Ethical Companies recognition program and provides a community of industry experts with the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (BELA). More information about Ethisphere can be found at: https://ethisphere.com.

Media Contacts:

Julia Fennelly, Kohl’s, julia.fennelly@kohls.com, 262.703.1710
Clea Nabozny, Ethisphere, clea.nabozny@ethisphere.com, 480.397.2658


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