Our Suppliers
At Kohl’s, we partner with a variety of vendors and suppliers across the company and supply chain. Vendors that we choose to partner with must live up to the standards defined in our Terms of Engagement so we have and maintain responsible sourcing. They must also share our convictions, abide by our policies, and operate according to our universally applied standards regarding ethics and fairness.
Become a Supplier
Kohl’s utilizes a large variety of goods and services to open, maintain and service each of our locations. Learn more about how to become a Kohl’s supplier and complete the supplier registration online.
Existing Suppliers
Kohl’s suppliers can access and update their profiles by entering their login credentials.
We continue to provide access to embed and activate inclusive supplier best practices across merchandising and non-merchandising supply chains to support qualified small businesses in our supplier base.
Responsible Sourcing
Kohl's considers environmental factors in the aspects and decisions of spend management throughout the sourcing, procurement and life cycle of each product or service acquired by Kohl's.
Kohl’s Marketplace
Kohl’s Marketplace is a way for you to sell directly to our customers. Learn more about how to grow your business on our digital platform.
Legal Information
It is important for Kohl’s suppliers to make sure they understand all terms and conditions in the required legally binding agreement(s) they sign with Kohl's.
Kohl’s Business Partner Code of Conduct
Kohl’s is committed to conducting business lawfully and ethically and expects our business partners to take the same approach so that we can succeed together.